HKW finds four more HK officials own property overseas in the UK, Canada, and Australia

After analysing the register of interests for the new members of the Executive Council in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Watch has found that a further four Hong Kong officials have property overseas in the UK, Canada, and Australia.

This includes:

The Health Secretary, Lo Chung-Mau, who owns a flat in London, UK.

Non-Official Member, Margaret Leung, who owns a property in Sydney, Australia.

Non-Official Member, Moses Cheng, who owns two flats in London, UK.

Non-Official Member, Eliza Chan, who owns two flats in Toronto, Canada.

Hong Kong Watch previously looked at the overseas property holdings of Carrie Lam’s Executive Council: HKW Report: "Patriots Only": Hong Kong Officials and Lawmakers' Property Overseas — Hong Kong Watch

Commenting on these findings, Sam Goodman, Hong Kong Watch’s Director of Policy and Advocacy, said:

“It is beggars’ belief that Hong Kong officials who denounce Western countries and so gleefully are destroying their fellow citizens basic freedoms and rights continue to own property in the UK, Australia, and Canada.

These new officials in John Lee’s Cabinet clearly are taking little notice of Xi Jinping’s recent edict to divest from property and holdings in the West.

It is well past time that the governments of UK, Canada, and Australia, joined the USA in introducing Magnitsky sanctions to target the assets of these Hong Kong officials who are complicit in gross human rights violations.”

NewsSam Goodmansanctions