Hong Kong's sham elections discredited by absence of opposition

Today the Hong Kong public go to the ballot box in the first election in the city's post-democracy era.


The Legislative Council elections are the first to take place under new rules written by Beijing which cut the number of directly elected Legislative Councillors, allow mainland residents to vote, and bar pro-democracy candidates from running by introducing “patriotic” background vetting. Almost all of the candidates running in the elections are supportive of the establishment and aligned with the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing.


The entire pro-democracy slate was rounded up and arrested for subversion on 6 January 2021. They are still awaiting trial. Hong Kongers have this week been taking to social media calling for Carrie Lam to #ReleaseMyCandidate.


These elections have also been marred by arrests, absurd claims by Carrie Lam that a low-turn out will vindicate the Hong Kong Government’s record, and threats to prosecute journalists and polling companies. 


Johnny Patterson, Policy Director of Hong Kong Watch, said: "These sham elections are a farce. The Communist Party in Beijing decided that an easy way of winning the election would be to lock up the entire opposition and rig the rules. This is not a democratic vote, it is a propaganda exercise which has no legitimacy."





整個民主派陣營在 2021 年 1 月 6 日因串謀顛覆國家政權罪遭到圍捕,他們目前仍在等待審判。今個星期不少香港人響應呼籲,在社交媒體上加入香港監察的 #ReleaseMyCandidate 活動,促請林鄭月娥釋放民主派候選人。



香港監察政策總監Johnny Patterson表示︰「這場虛假的選舉是一場鬧劇。中國共產黨認為贏取選舉的簡單方法,是鎖起整個反對派及操縱選舉規則。這不是民主投票,只是沒有合法性的政治宣傳。」

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