Hong Kong Watch visits Brussels to meet with EU Commission, permanent representations and MEPs

Hong Kong Watch’s Director of Policy and Advocacy Sam Goodman, Research and Policy Advisor Anouk Wear, and Advisory ⁦Board member Ray Wong visited Brussels, Belgium in October 2022 to meet with the EU Commission, permanent representations, amd Members of the European Parliament to discuss updates regarding political prisoners, sanctions, extradition, lifeboat schemes, amd our new report on the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices.

They met with MEPs from all the major political groups who raised their concerns about political prisoners and upcoming national security law trials and recommitted to standing with the people of Hong Kong. This includes Miriam M. Lexmann MEP, Co-Chair of Hong Kong Watch Friendship Group, former Poland foreign minister Anna Fotyga Biuro Poselskie MEP and Engin Eroglu MEP, who are members of Hong Kong Watch Friendship Group, as well as former journalist Raphael Glucksmann MEP and Isabel Santos MEP.

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