Hong Kong Watch attended rallies in the UK, US and Canada to protest against the CCP’s suppression of Hong Kong, Tibet and Uyghur

In early February, groups around the world, including the UK, the US and Canada, held rallies to protest against the Chinese Communist Party’s continued suppression of Uighur, Tibetan and Hongkongers, and to express their strong discontent with China's hosting of the 2022 Winter Olympics.

Lord Alton of Liverpool, a patron of the Hong Kong Watch, spoke about the Olympic flame and people’s freedom, saying that we must all continue to light the fire of freedom to keep hope alive. Lord Alton said that the UK had made the right decision to implement the BNO visa scheme and that it must be extended to young people who are currently excluded from the scheme.Lord Alton said he would be working with Lord Patten, former Governor of Hong Kong and Lord Falconer, the former Lord Chancellor in the House of Lords next week to push for amendments to the Nationality and Borders Bill to extend the BNO visa scheme to young people born after 1997 who have a BNO parent. Lord Alton also said that international sanctions must be imposed on those responsible for the Chinese Communist Party's atrocities whether in Xinjiang or Hong Kong, and at the top of his list is Carrie Lam.

Joey Siu, Hong Kong Watch Policy Advisor, was invited to speak at the Washington D.C. rally co-organized by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, Hong Kong Watch, Uyghur Human Rights Project, Uyghur American Association, World Uyghur Congress, Campaign for Uyghurs, HKDC, DC4HK, Dialogue China, China Aid, Students for a Free Tibet, International Campaign for Tibet.

In her speech, she highlighted the Chinese Communist Party’s brutal crackdowns on Hong Kong’s civil society, increasing persecutions against journalists and community organizers, and sentencing of pro-democracy activists.

Garnett Genuis MP, a Patron of Hong Kong Watch and a Canadian MP, participated in the rally organised outside of the Chinese Embassy in Ottawa. He said “I wanted to be here today to show support for those who are concerned about how the Beijing Olympics are going to try to whitewash the crimes of the Chinese Communist Party. “It’s important for us to say no, to tell the CCP that we see the crimes that are happening, and we stand with the victims.”

香港監察出席英美加三地集會 抗議中共打壓香港、西藏、維吾爾

二月初,英、美、加等世界各地均有團體舉辦遊行集會,抗議中共政府持續打壓維吾爾、西藏及香港人等族群,並就中國主辦 2022 冬奧表達強烈不滿。

香港監察贊助人、利物浦的奧爾頓勳爵出席英國倫敦的集會並發言,談及奧運聖火與自由,指大家必須繼續點燃自由之火,使希望得以延續。奧爾頓勳爵提到將聯同前港督彭定康勳爵,以及前大法官 Lord Falconer 於上議院推動《國籍和邊界法案》修正案,將 BNO 簽證計劃擴大到1997 年後出生、父母一方持 BNO 的年輕港人身上。奧爾頓勳爵亦指國際必須對需要對中共無論在新疆或香港暴行負責的人實施制裁,而排在他的名單首位的是林鄭月娥。


香港監察贊助人、加拿大國會議員 Garnett Genuis MP 出席加拿大渥太華中國大使館門外集會。他指中共正在試圖以北京冬季奧運會粉飾罪行,而我們必須讓中共知道各界並不會對它的所作所為視若無睹,而他將會繼續聲援及支持受中共打壓的受害者。

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