Ticker News: Benedict Rogers talks about media censorship in Hong Kong

Our Chief Executive Benedict Rogers was interviewed on Australia's Ticker News on 17 February 2022 about the blocking of Hong Kong Watch website and the dismantling of press freedom and freedom of expression in Hong Kong.

Ben said in the interview that Carrie Lam's office has passed enquiries to the Security Department. "I assume that they have targeted us because of our work highlighting human rights and the erosion of freedoms in Hong Kong… This is the latest in a string of incidents... part of an ongoing dismantling of Hong Kong's freedoms", said Ben. Ben pointed out that Hong Kong's planned fake news law is concerning because the Hong Kong government and CCP's definition of fake news means anything they don't agree with, that expresses dissent. "Most of my contacts in Hong Kong are in prison or in exile or keeping their heads down... But we will go on speaking up for Hong Kong."

Please watch the full interview here:

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