Hong Kong Watch holds panel discussion and Q&A in St Albans

As part of Hong Kong Watch’s political and civic engagement series for BNOs, we held a panel discussion and Q&A at St Albans Cathedral on 25 April to discuss how Hong Kongers can get involved in civic activities.

The event was chaired by Benedict Rogers, Hong Kong Watch’s Chief Executive, and the panel included the Bishop of St Albans, the local MP Daisy Cooper, the journalist and author Steve Vines, and a representative from a Hong Kong community organisation in nearby Watford. 

The Bishop of St Albans gave a short introduction to the cathedral and his role in the House of Lords, before explaining how he has become involved in human rights work. Daisy Cooper MP spoke about how constituents can get in touch with her and what sort of issues she can raise for Hong Kongers in parliament.

Steve Vines focused on the responsibility of the Hong Kong diaspora to keep the Hong Kong spirit and traditions alive as the channels for doing so in Hong Kong have been extinguished. The representative from the Hong Kongers group in Watford highlighted the sort of civic activities that Hong Kongers have been getting involved in. 

Questions in the Q&A touched upon personal safety and security in the UK, transferring jobs and skills, and getting involved in civil society organisations at the local level.

This was the ninth event in Hong Kong Watch’s civic and political education programme, which aims to help the Hong Kong BNO community better understand the UK’s political system, how they can engage with it, what their rights are and what its impact and relevance is.

Panel speakers: 

  • Rt Revd Dr Alan Smith, the Bishop of St Albans.

  • Daisy Cooper, Member of Parliament for St Albans.

  • Steve Vines, journalist, writer and broadcaster

  • Representative of Watford Hong Kong community organisation



活動由香港監察行政總監羅傑斯主持,講者包括聖奧爾本斯主教Rt Revd Dr Alan Smith、聖奧爾本斯國會議員Daisy Cooper、記者暨作家Steve Vines和一名屈福特香港社區組織代表。


聖奧爾本斯主教歡迎香港人來到聖奧爾本斯和聖奧爾本斯座堂,強調我們可以互相學習,互相裨益。當地國會議員Daisy Cooper則強調,如果香港人需要幫助或純粹想提出問題,應毫不猶豫聯絡當地國會議員。