Hong Kong Watch concludes trip to Brussels

Last week, Hong Kong Watch Director of Policy and Advocacy Sam Goodman, and Research and Policy Advisor Anouk Wear visited Brussels where they met with MEPs and other supporters in the European Parliament. 

They discussed the upcoming anniversary of the National Security Law and the Handover with MEPs Bernard Guetta (France), Engin Eroglu (Germany), Jordi Solé (Spain), Anna Fotyga (Poland), Markéta Gregorová (Czechia), Reinhart Bütikofer (Germany) and staff from other offices.

They gave a briefing to the European Parliament Informal Hong Kong Watch Group which published a joint letter condemning the three-year anniversary of the Hong Kong National Security Law. The letter, addressed to the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, called for European Member States and the European Commission to work to secure the immediate release of all people detained under the NSL and for the Hong Kong and Chinese authorities to end the political show trials in the HKSAR.

This week, Research and Policy Advisor Anouk Wear conducted a second trip to Brussels to speak at a panel event on surveillance in China hosted by MEP Markéta Gregorová, and to discuss the Hong Kong National Security Police’s targeting of pro-democracy activists overseas

She had productive meetings with MEPs Salima Yenbou (France), Rasa Juknevičienė (Lithuania), Andrius Kubilius (Lithuania), Isabel Santos (Portugal), Nicola Beer (Germany), and staff from other offices to discuss the Hong Kong Police’s issuing of arrest warrants and bounties against Hong Kong activists overseas.

香港監察赴布魯塞爾會晤歐洲議會議員 提倡歐洲對華策略應重點關注香港

香港監察政策及倡議總監Sam Goodman和研究及政策顧問華穆清 Anouk Wear上週到訪布魯塞爾,會晤歐洲議會議員及其他支持者。

他們與歐洲議會議員Bernard Guetta(法國)、Engin Eroglu(德國)、Jordi Solé(西班牙)、Anna Fotyga(波蘭)、Markéta Gregorová(捷克)、Reinhart Bütikofer(德國)及其他工作人員會面,討論《國安法》和主權移交週年等香港議題。

此外,他們向歐洲議會非正式香港監察小組匯報香港的最新情況。小組其後就《國安法》實施三週年致函歐盟委員會主席馮德萊恩(Ursula von der Leyen),呼籲歐洲成員國和歐盟委員會努力爭取立即釋放所有因《國安法》而被扣押的人,並要求中港當局結束在香港上演的政治審訊。

研究及政策顧問華穆清 Anouk Wear本週再次到訪布魯塞爾,參與由歐洲議會議員Markéta Gregorová主持的中國監控研討會及在會上發言,並討論香港警方國安處懸紅通緝海外社運人士事件

她亦與歐洲議會議員Salima Yenbou(法國)、Rasa Juknevičienė(立陶宛)、Andrius Kubilius (立陶宛)、Isabel Santos(葡萄牙)、Nicola Beer(德國)及其他工作人員會面,討論有關事件。

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