Hong Kong Watch Canada Youth Initiative Program trainees selected as Canadian parliamentary interns

In September 2022, Hong Kong Watch Canada launched the Youth Initiative Program, which is aimed at supporting the integration of Hong Kongers into Canadian society through civic and political engagement. The program has already achieved great success during its 2023 Summer Term.

Two new Hong Kong immigrants/Open Work Permit holders were selected as interns by the Canadian Parliamentary Scheme after undergoing eight sessions of intensive training during the summer. These individuals have been given the opportunity to work for prominent figures in Canadian politics, with one intern now working for Senator Leo Housakos, the vice chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Senate and former Speaker of the Senate, and the other interning for Tom Kmiec MP, vice chair of the Canada-PRC Relations Committee. This achievement serves as a testament to the effectiveness of the program in providing valuable experience and contributing to the Canadian political landscape and pro-democracy movement.



兩名持開放式工作簽證(Open Work Permit)來加的香港新移民學員在暑期接受為期八節的密集培訓後,獲選為加拿大國會實習生,有機會為加拿大知名政界人物工作。其中一名學員現正在參議員Senator Leo Housakos(參議院外交事務委員會副主席、前參議院議長)辦事處實習,另一名則在眾議院加中關係委員會副主席、眾議員Tom Kmiec MP辦事處實習。這兩個成功實例足證計劃能夠提供寶貴經驗,為加拿大政治格局和民主運動作貢獻。