Melissa Lantsman MP and Tom Kmiec MP call on Immigration Minister to ensure priority processing remains in place for Hong Kongers

Last week, Melissa Lantsman MP, Deputy Leader of the Official Opposition, and Tom Kmiec MP, Shadow Minister for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, wrote to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Marc Miller, to inquire whether priority processing remains in place for Hong Kongers coming to Canada under the Hong Kong Pathway.

They noted the delay in processing experienced by more than 100 applicants whose permanent residency applications are primarily being handled by the Niagara Falls Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (IRCC) office. They also raised their concerns about the effects of this delay as the human rights situation in Hong Kong continues to deteriorate and Hong Kongers look for a safe way to exit the city by immigrating to Canada.

In the letter, Ms Lantsman and Mr Kmiec wrote:

“Special Immigration measures for Hong Kongers have been prioritized in processing by IRCC. We would like to clarify whether priority processing is still in place as the situation in Hong Kong continues to deteriorate.

The situation for Hong Kongers continues to be delicate as many pro-democracy activists are anxious to find ways to escape and find refuge abroad. Priority processing is critical to ensure those who choose Canada get responses quickly.”

The letter comes following meetings between Aileen Calverley, co-founder and trustee of Hong Kong Watch, and Melissa Lantsman MP and Tom Kmiec MP respectively to raise the issue of delayed processing of Hong Kongers in late February.

The full letter can be read here.

Aileen Calverley, co-founder and trustee of Hong Kong Watch, said:

“It is encouraging to see Melissa Lantsman MP and Tom Kmiec MP write to the Minister of Immigration following our meetings where I alerted them to the problem being faced by so many Hong Kongers seeking refuge by coming to Canada.

IRCC stated in July 2023 that priority processing is in place for applicants for Permanent Residency under the Hong Kong Pathway – it is important that the Government uphold its commitment and ensure their applications are processed in a timely manner.”

過百名港人永居申請處理延誤  加拿大官方反對黨副領袖、影子移民部長呼籲移民部長確保特快處理措施行之有效

上週,加拿大保守黨副黨魁、香港監察贊助人Melissa Lantsman MP和影子移民部長Tom Kmiec MP聯署致函移民部長Marc Miller,要求澄清為「香港救生艇」移民計劃而設的特快處理(priority processing)措施,是否仍然運作。

兩位國會議員指出,超過100名永久居留申請人向安大略省尼亞加拉瀑布城(Niagara Falls)移民部辦事處提交申請後,等候多時仍未獲審批。他們對延誤帶來的影響表示憂慮,因隨着香港人權狀況持續惡化,香港人尋求透過移民加拿大,安全離開香港。

Melissa Lantsman MP和Tom Kmiec MP在信中寫道:



2月底,香港監察共同創辦人兼信託人Aileen Calverley分別會晤Melissa Lantsman MP和Tom Kmiec MP,提出上述處理延誤問題,兩位國會議員其後發函跟進。


香港監察共同創辦人兼信託人Aileen Calverley表示:

「我與Melissa Lantsman MP和Tom Kmiec MP會面時,向他們提出這個許多赴加尋求庇護香港人面對的問題。他們在會後去信移民部長,實在鼓舞人心。
